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LEAF – nezisková organizácia

We are building a cultivating generation for an even better Slovakia

We wish to contribute to the development of young people with the potential to grow into personalities that combine character, excellence, entrepreneurial leadership and civic engagement. Notwithstanding the socio-economic environment in which it originates.


For young


Space for self-discovery and greater impact on the environment

Peer-to-peer educational program for professional and personal growth. Meet like-minded people from different backgrounds.

LEAF After school program
A place for your personal and professional growth

Find a job, a mentor, become a volunteer or get help for your project and ideas. We will connect you with interesting organizations and people like you.

Public Leadership Academy
Development program in state and public administration

A program for young professionals with the potential to grow into changemakers with a positive impact on the quality of public policies and services.

Public Leadership Academy

For highschoolers

and university students

LEAF Academy
Applying to LEAF Academy High School

International boarding high school with a focus on the development of leadership, values and character. An inspiring community of students and teachers.

LEAF Academy
Try a high school in the US or the UK

We offer scholarships to high school students for one or two school years at prestigious private high schools. The mediators are the organizations ASSIST (for the USA) and HMC (for the UK).

A place for your personal and professional growth

Find a job, a mentor, become a volunteer or get help for your project and ideas. We will connect you with interesting organizations and people like you.


For teachers

and principals

Individual teacher development program
Mentoring-coaching program with high participant satisfaction

Become part of a community of active teachers with a desire to improve their teaching skills

Individual teacher development program
School transformation from the inside
Mentoring-coaching program for entire schools and their management

We help schools discover and strengthen the potential hidden in their choir

Transform school from the inside

For Slovaks


A place for your personal and professional growth

Find a job, a mentor, become a volunteer or get help for your project and ideas. We will connect you with interesting organizations and people like you.


Meet the alumni of our programs and find out more about their stories

Tomáš Meliško
Tomáš Meliško
Having gained foreign experience in banking and consulting, Tomáš returned to Slovakia in order to lead strategic projects for the HB Reavis Group. He helped them to establish Origameo – a new subsidiary that focuses on designing office spaces. Other projects of his include a new innovation hub in the Twin City office complex in Bratislava and a new concept called HubHub, which will be available in countries across Central Europe. Click here to read the full story in Slovak.
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Dominika Geregová
Dominika Geregová
Dominika caught our interest with her project titled “Interactive Workshop for Children from the Oncology Department in Banská Bystrica”. At elementary school, she organizes workshops where the pupils create various DIY crafts that they then sell. The proceeds are used to help children from the local oncology department. Dominika has also teamed up with the “Ray of Hope” (Svetielko nádeje) civic association that helps her with the project. Click here to read the full story in Slovak.
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Zuzana Vargová
Zuzana Vargová
While Zuzana was still studying abroad, she worked as a summer intern at the Office of the President of the Slovak Republic. This experience then earned her a permanent job at the office, her main focus being health care. She is involved in several educational projects and organizes informal meetings of so-called “Goodwill Clerks”. Click here to read the full story in Slovak.
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Alexandra Janiak
Alexandra Janiak
Alex is an expert volunteer who is currently helping Depaul Slovakia optimize internal processes. She works at DELL as a Global Compliance and Privacy Manager. Alex states that one of the reasons for her career development has been her decision to join the Skill-Based Volunteer Program. Click here to read the full story in Slovak.
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Viktor Mach
Viktor Mach
When we first met Viktor, he was an eloquent elementary school student who loved playing soccer and debating about politics and the world. He received a scholarship for a two-week summer camp at the ISAK international boarding high school in Japan. Later, he returned there for a three-year study program. He has also worked as a summer intern at a Singaporean law firm – the youngest one in the company’s history. Click here to read the full story in Slovak.
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Jozef Šujak
Jozef Šujak
A high school teacher who helps his students grow. Instead of complaining how lazy today’s students are, he organizes various activities for them. One such activity is a book club where students share book tips among peers. Click here to read the full story in Slovak.
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Ela Tolstová
Ela Tolstová
Eva helped organize the “Good Market” (Dobrý Trh) events, where she was in charge of artistic activities. After mentoring sessions with Ester Wiesner (Berkeley College, jazz music), she formed her own band called Tolstoys, which has already managed to gain a good reputation in the Slovak music community. Their music now gets regular airplay on Rádio_FM, they have released two singles and a new video, and they have been invited to play at the legendary Pohoda music festival. Click here to read the full story in Slovak.
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Eva Kúdelová
Eva Kúdelová
A young teacher who succeeded in replacing the classic approach in her classroom, where the teacher actively teaches and the students passively receive knowledge, with an approach in which she "only" guides her students. Pupils today have much more freedom, but also responsibility.
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Alžbeta Dlhá
Alžbeta Dlhá
During the LEAF Summer Leadership Camp, Alžbeta met Rasťo Kulich, the manager of Google Slovakia, and persuaded him to invite her for an internship. This opened up an avalanche of opportunities for her. Alžbeta has a degree from University College London and she has led the Oxbridge Admissions organization. In fall 2017, she started working at McKinsey. Her work experience also includes internships in various companies in Dublin, London and China. Click here to read the full story in Slovak.
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Jakub Chudík
Jakub Chudík
When Jakub graduated from high school, he had already worked as an intern at the Drone Wars start-up and the Slovak Organization for Space Activities. He was accepted to the prestigious MIT bootcamp. His path then led him to become a freshman at MIT, where he is the only person from Slovakia in his grade. Currently, he works as the CTO of a small start-up company called ConquerX, which focuses on developing a unique technology which can be used to detect cancer from blood samples. Click here to read the full story in Slovak.
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Martin Maštalír
Martin Maštalír
After a successful career at Orange, Martin co-founded the online learning platform Skillandia, which has already received the international Stevie Award for Sales & Customer Service. Martin attended our first Skill-Based Volunteer Program and he has been active as a volunteer ever since. He is currently the coordinator of several projects. Click here to read the full story in Slovak.
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Juraj Kováč
Juraj Kováč
The businessman behind the “Kickstart Your Business” (Rozbehni sa!) initiative and Country Manager for Social Impact Award Slovakia. In the Skill-Based Volunteer Program, he brought his entrepreneurial way of thinking to the PRIMA sheltered workshop and helped bring the “PRIMA Bag” project to life. Click here to read the full story in Slovak.
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Ondrej Vrábel
Ondrej Vrábel
Ondrej is the author of Pinf Hry – games for people with cerebral palsy. It is a set of unique games that are currently used in homes and therapy centers all over the world. But Ondrej isn’t done yet – he still keeps improving and and promoting them. At the start of 2017, he became the youngest person ever to receive the “Crystal Wing” (Krištáľové krídlo) award. Click here to read the full story in Slovak.
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Jakub Ševčík
Jakub Ševčík
Jakub has spent the last couple of years working part-time at various cafés in Slovakia. During that time, he has visited different types of cafés all over the world. Coffee is his passion, which is why he has also started roasting it. He now supplies it to several cafés and since he also likes poetry, he makes his coffee stand out by enclosing a poem of his own in every bag that he makes. Click here to read the full story in Slovak.
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Richard Fetyko
Richard Fetyko
A couple of years ago, Richard left Wall Street and came back to Slovakia in order to build an investment fund for international stock markets. He has also agreed to join the LEAF Academy supervisory board, where he works as a volunteer. Click here to read the full story in Slovak.
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Viktor Križo
Viktor Križo
Viktor is a young teacher who used to teach math using traditional frontal instruction. But his decision to try the Individual Teacher Development Program has helped turn his lessons into an adventure. Now his students are engaged in group work where learning math goes hand in hand with learning important life skills and basic managerial skills. Click here to read the full story in Slovak.
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Alex Pernišová
Alex Pernišová
Alex is a self-taught Japanese speaker with an interest in manga who loves design. She has attended CTY Online Programs (university-level courses for talented high school students) and has also been awarded a scholarship to study at ISAK – one of the most prestigious schools in Asia. This means she will spend the next three years in Japan. In addition to all that, she is also one of the students in charge of the LEAF Alumni Club. Read the full story in Slovak...
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Lenka Švecová
Lenka Švecová
Before attending the Individual Teacher Development Program, this talented teacher from Banská Štiavnica didn’t think she was creative, which is why she preferred traditional instruction methods. Now her lessons are so engaging that even the legendary teacher John Amos Comenius himself would be proud. Click here to read the full story in Slovak.
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